Preserved Flowers vs Dried Flowers: How Do They Differ?
With the popularity of Pinterest and Instagram, preserved flowers and dried flowers have seen a resurgence in recent years. They are sustainable, require very little care and can last years in the right conditions. There's plenty of overlap between the two types of flowers - both come from fresh, living blossoms that have been preserved to let you enjoy them for a long time. However, there are distinct differences that should factor into your decision about which to use when decorating your home or gifting someone flowers. Here’s some information that may help you consider your options.
The preservation process
Dried flowers are simply that: the flowers are dried out, most commonly by hanging them upside down in a dark, dry environment. This is a relatively simple process that takes 2-3 weeks until the moisture in the flowers is lost. On the other hand, the process of making preserved flowers is a much more delicate process, requiring the utmost care and making use of more refined techniques. Chemicals like glycerin and coloured dyes are introduced to treat preserved flowers so as to help them retain their appearance when they are in a perfect blooming state. This also prevents the natural decomposition that makes flowers crumble and fade over time.
When decorating with flowers, the options are diverse and unique. If you're on a tight budget, dried flowers can give your home or event an elegant look. But if you're looking for something that will last a long time, preserved flowers are a great choice. When it comes to cost, because the process of preserving flowers is a bit more complex than drying them, they tend to cost a bit more because of the extra care required in production. However, the expense is often worth it given the higher quality product.
Preserved flowers and dried flowers both have their own unique qualities but generally speaking, preserved flowers are more lifelike, colourful, and vibrant than dried ones. Dried flowers will often appear faded and weathered, and also have a more earthy, rustic look than their preserved counterparts. They are also less resistant to damage, so they tend to be more fragile and delicate than preserved flowers. In contrast, preserved flowers tend to have much more vibrant hues, they’re softer, have a fuller appearance, and retain their colours better than dried ones.
Dried flowers can last up several months to a year, depending on the amount of care provided to them. This is due to their petals being relatively brittle and susceptible to breakage, and it’s not uncommon that they end up falling off and losing more of their colours over time. Preserved flowers definitely last much longer, often kept and treasured for many years due to their ability to retain their beauty and qualities. To further extend their lifespan , you should also learn how to care for preserved floral bouquets. The long time span that they can last also adds to their appeal and value.
While fresh flowers remain a go-to centrepiece, preserved and dried flowers provide us with a whole new realm of designing possibilities and continue to be a top choice by individuals who love the look and feel of long-lasting arrangements. If you're looking for custom-made preserved flowers delivery in Singapore, SJÖ Flora is a great place to find the perfect fit. Our exquisite and beautiful creations cater to a wide variety of occasions from flower bouquets for graduation ceremonies to bridal and wedding hand bouquets. Discover what we have to offer today!